Monday, June 1, 2009

Me and my Sugar Daddy

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

It didn't take me long after the date with semi-pro and the divorced guy to get back in my dating groove. I put up new pictures, updated my info, and started once again to weed out the emails. I started talking talking to an army veteran who recently moved back from being based up north. We began talking just after the new year. He had something my other manventures had lacked... no I am not talking about a crazy sex drive or millions of dollars. He knew how to really communicate like not via four words in text i.e. how you doin babe? It could have been because this guy was 34 and just on the cusp of turning 35...which also happens to be my age cut off for all you sugar daddy's out there.

Conversation with the 34 year old was different then with the teacher. Now the teacher was really dry and I guess I was a little afraid to be myself around him...since all his other 'dates' were dumb and had no direction in life. I have a goal in life but I know I won't acheive it tomorrow... I like to do one step at a time instead of running up them like Rocky pumping my fists in the air.

We choose coffee (of course) as our first meeting. May I add this is the same coffee spot I went with the teacher and the level 10 clinger... the workers must think I am on work meetings because they are never flirty or intimate. I arrived at the coffee shop/bookstore early...figured I could make a run for it if he was nothing that I thought he would be...buttt like a good military man he was there even before I got there. He was good looking... a baby face for a 34 year old in a plaid shirt and baseball cap (that I could only believe was covering his receeding hair line). We stood in line for coffee and bought our own...what a first 'meet'... good thing I stopped at the bank before hand and didn't spend all my money on books! I've been getting very used to the manventures paying for my drink or meal...hmmm interesting.

He picked the biggest table that could probably fit like 4 people with room to spare and we sat directly across from eachother... yeah, that didn't feel like the most awkward interview ever

what I found out...
  • He is a Mets fan (why meeee)
  • A patriots fan (again whyyyy)
  • His girlfriend of 7 years broke up with him in a letter while he was in Iraq
  • His car just broke down and needs a million repairs
  • He slept around a lot while in the service (not surprised)
  • He carries a bottle of water with him everywhere because he is scared of being dehydrated
  • He discussed going out with me with his brother-in-law (because of the age difference)
I liked him but wasn't feeling it... He made me feel young and like I didn't really live life yet... which is partially true. And I slowly got the feeling that as I was there looking to find the man of my dreams he was there to find the women of the night. Flattering...yes. What I was looking for? Not so much... at least not that day.
Hug. Goodbye.
Him: Can I see you again?Me: Yeah, why not
But, I had a strange feeling it wouldn't happen... would I be upset? For some reason yes...probably because I know that I am that awesome. Oh well... maybe I just like dating too much!
Next please!

Not so 'hot' for teacher

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

The one thing I learned in high school (besides the normal reading, writing and mathematics) was what rooms were home for the fresh out of college hot male teachers.

Teachers... the single ones... that use dating sites; are sophisticated, intelligent and overall can hold a conversation. Well, at least through email. In person they are awkward and whiney and judging...

Well... while I was still 'with' the surgical nurse I began talking to a teacher. Harmless and if anything we started to form a bond. Once the surgical nurse... well I moved on to bigger and better things the teacher and I finally were able to go on our first date. A rather simple choice out for dinner and then if it goes well for some drinks/coffee.

He was adorably awkward and still had a slight cold which made his technical talk of computers even dorkier... The restaurant was loud, busy and they sat us by the bar. Conversation was... well I wouldn't write home about it. We did end up going out for some coffee after, a quieter atmosphere. He had... tea while I of course had coffee.

A sign, I should note; that things may not work out...
Coffee is my lifeline… one cup in the morning before work, during work and almost always after dinner. Ever since my first job at 15 I have been downing the amazing drink as if I was to not have it well I might as well not be able to function. Some people have blood coursing through their veins… my veins... well they are coursing with coffee. The point is I need a man that can handle coffee.

His conversation and demeanor was rather dull… well maybe that is an understatement. I think a lot had to do with him not feeling well, but at least I had my coffee.
Who knows if there will be a second date with this guy… I am just going to roll with the punches. Besides I have another coffee date coming up before the end of the week.


Fairy Tales

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

There is something to be said about wanting a story book ending. The prince, once kissed turns back into a frog and that evil witch really just wanted to save you from the biggest mistake you can make.

My recent lapse in blogs wasn't because I met someone but that motivation wasn't there... Sick of the same old one date wonders. Tired of making myself think the second date will be better.

But then recently a guy emailed me and said that night he was going on a potentially horrible date. I don't want to ever get to that point. First dates are fun, exciting, nerve wrecking and always a new lesson. I told him not to give up on all the bad dates because they turn... Make that one date absolutely perfect.

I'm not embracing bad dates...just the idea that the perfect date can't be that far away.

