Monday, June 1, 2009

Fairy Tales

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

There is something to be said about wanting a story book ending. The prince, once kissed turns back into a frog and that evil witch really just wanted to save you from the biggest mistake you can make.

My recent lapse in blogs wasn't because I met someone but that motivation wasn't there... Sick of the same old one date wonders. Tired of making myself think the second date will be better.

But then recently a guy emailed me and said that night he was going on a potentially horrible date. I don't want to ever get to that point. First dates are fun, exciting, nerve wrecking and always a new lesson. I told him not to give up on all the bad dates because they turn... Make that one date absolutely perfect.

I'm not embracing bad dates...just the idea that the perfect date can't be that far away.

