Monday, March 30, 2009

I love college

A real time post for my avid nosey followers...

I went back on one of my older sites just to see if anyone new signed up...and yes, yes new people did...

He's twenty and and college student. But...his emails captivate me... They captivate me mostly because he is twenty and well...seems wise...worldly...mature for his age. Whether he is well versed in the pick-up or just a one in a million sincere guy...time will only tell.

Real emails from the past two days (personal identity information has been removed)

College boy:, i rented say anything the other day only because it had john cusack in it...haha i am so gay...:-P throw in an 80's movie any night of the week....haha

Me: Hey! I loveee that movie!

College boy: lol all good...if i could sustain myself, i would never leave school...i love to read books and learn...people often times refer to me as a nerd, but hey, we have but one life to live, and so, why not understand things about and i like that you remain a intriguing...i am going to unlock your mysteries, (my name here) your worst to stop me haha :-)

Me: My mysteries? Haha you must like a challenge (his name) ;)

College boy: lol, of course...warm up to me, and i open like an pearl is nothing glamorous, but i promise i will not lie to you, or ever try to manipulate you...i recently exposed myself to quite a few things that have launched me into maturing quite rapidly...and idk, but i feel like i am missing someone to share it all with...lets be friends :-) and yes, your mysteries will be quite a challenge, but hey, it's not the climb up the mountain, but the amazing view that people remember the my view, and let your mysteries be the mountain...

I can't make this up...I didn't respond yet. I wanna sound witty and interested...and smart. He's so much younger than me...but thinking of the next thing to say makes me...



Sunday, March 29, 2009

She's gone country

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

It's the Wednesday following the wedding weekend. I get to tell...well gossip to my bests about the surgical nurse with a twinkle in my eye and an extra bounce in my step.

Every day since leaving his house has I have gotten....a good morning before he goes to work, a text during his lunch, I let him know when I'm home, he calls to say what he's doing, we text til it's bedtime then we're on the phone for a half hour to a hour until I fall asleep. And the next day all over again. We talk about our family, friends, past relationships, hopes, dreams, and how much we can't wait to see each other again.

I'm spoiled..smitten...and miss him.

Who am I?

I once was all that was the perfect single girl. And now I'm stuck with my head in the clouds. That Wednesday I was at a bar eating wings and drinking beers when the surgical nurse called to see if I wanted to come up again. His best friends have a Halloween fest every year and he and they wanted me there.

Of course I went! Drove up on a rainy cold Saturday afternoon. The party was in a back yard...well...a back yard I've probably seen on...hmm blue collar comedy.

A broken down tractor...cow...goat..pigs...everyone wearing their hunting boots...yeah I was a bit city in their big country. And I loved every moment of it. They drank Keystone and chased the cow when it broke out of the yard. The bathroom...ohhh the bathroom. High quality to say the least...a extra large handicapped port-o-potty equipped with a light switch. I didn't even know they came with lights!

After the party I was muddy, cold and ready to sleep. The Surgical Nurse and I cuddled up for the night on his couch and watched the Phillies play off game til almost two in the morning.

The next day we were up early and hit up the... flea market... yeah a redneck flea market. woo hoooo! Then we went with his best friend and fiance to a pumpkin patch and apple orchard :) It was definitely a fun-filled two days with the always wonderful Surgical Nurse.

But... I know shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch...

yet I still did...


Monday, March 23, 2009

it never fails...

It never fails my friends that when I've finally gotten over all the exs and one date wonders...they wanna crawl right back where I do not want them...

My head.

Sooo sneaky with their crazy ways of driving me absolutely insane! Like the seven year awkward...never said out loud crush. Me and Mr. Seven year crush have secretly liked, loathed, and flirted with the idea that maybe we'd work out as a couple since I was a junior in high school.

We met in the trainers room of the high school. He was a football player and I was a student trainer. We met up a few times for basketball games or a quick hello while my boys pummeled his football team.

He once came over...but never told me he was allergic to dogs and left as quick as he got there...and that was basically how things went even until this day.

Usually things pan out...
We're all set to hang out thennnn.... I cancel or he cancels... He usually gets pissed and says I'm a slacking biotch. Then I say "this is why WE WILL NEVER work out" we don't talk for a few weeks then we try it again. Possibly in the hopes that one day it will.

As for now (Oct 08) it hasn't so I keep up with my manventures and my surgical nurse :)


Saturday, March 21, 2009

A weekend wedding

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

The week went fast that crisp week in October (08) and I drove the two hours up north for the weekend wedding with the Surgical Nurse. He met me at a gas station off the highway...romantic I know! Nothing like the sweet smell of gas and old truckers. YUMMY! I followed him on twisted back mountain roads... I almost drove off the road twice to take in the scenery.

His house (well...okay his parents house) was a home I only dreamed about living in... made of brick and wood, set back on a long stone driveway back in the mountains. It overlooked a beautiful scenic view of the autumn colors on the mountain side.

I met his dad as I walked into the house. Funny enough our fathers work for the same company and know some of the same people. He was very accommodating and made me feel very welcome. Then the surgical nurse and I left for the wasn't anything extraordinary he took me out for dinner then we bought a movie to watch back at his house. We watched the movie til I almost fell asleep laying on his lap. He woke me up to take me to his room where his mom put new sheets on the bed for me...and like a gentleman kissed me. He slept down on the couch that night.

The next morning I woke up to a hot cup of coffee made for me by his dad and got ready to go to the wedding. The weather was perfect for a skies, a light breeze and a wonderful date. The surgical nurses friends got married on a golf course and the reception was on the premises as were all the not so lovely hotel rooms! owww owwwww

His friends were nothing like him standing 6ft tall with slim athletic builds all with girlfriends...except for one slightly dim-witted meat headed who seemed to hit on everything that moved. The wedding was something to remember... dancing, drinking, meeting all of the surgical nurses closest friends. The only thing that got a little annoying is that HE IS CONSTANTLY on his damn cellphone. Texting...checking the highlights from games... whatever else men do with cellphones, but I can't be too upset about it. This was just our second date...well third if you count the Friday... and Sunday was then the fourth. But, there wasn't anything I could pinpoint that I didn't like about him.

My favorite is when he kisses me.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

I have to ask you something...

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

In most circumstances no likes to hear... "We need to talk", "I have to ask/tell you something". In my experience it means, yeah I forgot to tell you I have another girlfriend or this is just going to be a friends with benefits thing. Anyway... This was nothing like it.

The monday after my first sneezy date with the surgical nurse he called me. Now...I must set this up a little better. For my friends who know there was not a minute when I wasn't talking to him, texting him, talking about him...and all but two days after the first date. I should have had an air mattress because friends...

I was falling HARD.

My mom says you'll know as soon as you meet someone and well I knew I wanted to talk to him morning noon and night.

That monday night when he said I have to ask you something...I wanted to throw up. Already? Here it comes another GREAT letdown to put in the books...

There is a wedding next weekend..will you be my date.

Mmm.... Yes! Of course! In a heartbeat.

Great! You'll meet my friends...their parents...

I had to secretly stop and breathe.

5 days till I get a whole weekend with the surgical nurse...I can't help but feel a little guilty about being sooo happy but not thinking about the Marine...

But then the weekend may be a complete disaster...


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sick on the first date

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

A week later the surgical nurse and I decided to have dinner. body decided I was going to get sick. But, I didn't let the sniffles pull me away from maybe meeting the one toad that turns into a prince.

For the record. I don't like princes, but I could always change my mind.

The nurse decided to come down that saturday night dinner and drinks. He already scored a few points when I learned we lived two hours apart. Wow...for me. Incredible.

He got to my house and there he was about 5'11", blue eyes, blond hair, nicely put together with... A PHILLIES HAT! Which must have been some kind of sin since he likes the stinkin mets.

I took him to a great classy local sports bar for dinner. It was awkward at all. In fact, I never felt more like myself being out with him. The night wrapped up and we went back to my place where we sat on the couch and watched baseball. By 1230am I'm beat and he still needs to drive two hours. Walking him to the door I gave him a goodnight kiss. He left. I almost ran out to his car to kiss him again but I didn't want to be dramatic.

He text me when he got home. Safe, sound, and hoped to see me again.

He definitely will...


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patty's Day....

Well friends...

It's St. Patty's and I'm sick! :(

Only the best holiday of the year to drink and kiss random people and I'M SICK! Bed bound...flu stricken... Ugh not fun at all!!!

I guess it will give me a chance to catch you all up on my manventures!

Stay tuned


Sunday, March 15, 2009

The start of something...

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

September started rolling did emails and my potential men. I unfortunately let my ex in briefly. Always a mistake...he is an EX for a reason! What was I thinking..oh yea...I'm head over heels for him even though when I look at him I wanna claw his eyes out.

I worked an extra job for some family friends. Anddd I got an email from the surgical nurse! We exchanged cell numbers and text until my cell died

He's so much different from the other guys. He's kind, honest, has goals and dreams...he doesn't bug me like crazy to meet him or send pictures. He's soo down to earth and has a great relationship with family and friends.

My cellphone charges back up after a long day and night working. I decide to give this mystery man a call see what his conversing skills are like...well they were pretty good. We talked for two hours that night. He wants to come down to meet me. Maybe next weekend :)

Keep ya updated!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Let's get physical, physical!

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

The weekend before my birthday I went out with my bests to our favorite night spot. Equipped with cheap drinks, great friends and of course karaoke. The night set pace...drinks in hand and I was on the prowl. Trying to find a guy at this bar sometimes is like trying to find a needle in a haysack!

My drinks started going down like water. Then I heard an all too familiar voice...a voice with an accent. It was the physical therapist...the creepy european.

"I bought you a drink (insert my name here)"

I hate the way he says my name. He makes it so much more sexual and creepy than it ever ever should be.

Anyway, don't take the drink. That is what I thought and... I took the drink....then I made out with the dirty stalker physical therapist. Well more like Mr. My hands need to feel every inch of your body kissed me....and where were my amazing friends?? Oooo WATCHING!

"I thought you liked him"
"You seemed into it"
"Didn't want to cockblock you"

I guess the next time I say... This guy is crazy don't let me make out with him...

I should also make a sign...a newspaper article...

Maybe even start a website. Datingsitecreepers dot com and post pictures of them on there!

I love how this non manventure night turned into a stalkventure of a mannightmare!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hmm maybe there is a good reason he is...semi-pro

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

The semi-pro text me while I was at a minor league baseball game with my cousin in late august 08... He wants me to come see him...he bought me a gift of some sort. He can be a little pushy, demending, but he is very veerrryyy focused on me. I think at least.

It is always with him. I know they can be terms of endearment, but from my experience it's a clever way of not saying the wrong name. Yeah well...

He's moving for his job and will be about an hour from me. Which would not be a big deal if he didn't ask me to come visit on weekdays...we need a compromise and I have yet to get that with him.
I really need to think things through with this guy.

In other news!!! Early september I started emailing this new guy. He's 25, a surgical nurse, played Lax in college and is just really down to earth. He lives about two hours away so I don't know...I won't get his name tattood on me any time soon!


Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm addicted too...

This is a real time post. I am coming back from a date with well... you will have to wait for that. I don't want to jump too much into the present time without finishing these last few dates.

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

I just want to let you know...

I'm addicted to pain...Addicted to finding the right guy even when he is the absolutely nothing like the right guy should be.

He is so horrible that he makes the next asshole so much more amazing and I accept it because the pain is addictive... like a piercing or a tattoo

and I love that even the nice guys
In the end... all turn out the same

It isn't that I love being hurt because I definitely do not at all. It is just the guys I have been attracted too and find the most alluring are the bad boys. I want to be the one that makes them calm down from their bad boy ways and fall in love with me.

Things I need to stop doing are...falling to fast, believing everything that is said to me, opening up to fast, and settling for someone that is not worth my time.

A friend told me once I'll go through a lot of scummers before I meet the one who is my perfect fit.

Well friends I'm sick of waiting and I'm sick of scummers.

But, I am now determined for him to find me...It's gonna take a strong man to win me over now.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

He likes his women like I like my fridays...DRUNK

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

Here is one for you... He had what seemed to be everything I needed... Let's see...

32, A physical therapist, European accent, knowledgeable, world traveler, hiker, and baseball fan...

This date, I was going on before going out with my friends. I safe guarded this longer than an hour an a half, a very public bar, and down the street from my friends...

It started out well...he was well-dressed, bought me my beer, was very engaging in conversation... but was touchy feely. I mean I am ALLLL about the physical contact. It is hot. A little touch leaving the rest up to the imagination. But we were sitting on this couch and as I would move over he would move closer! I NEARLY fell off! I was like really??? CALM DOWN! Now, he is a physical therapist but can't we wait a little before the physical part comes into play? Just a bit?

No, I don't need a back massage or my quad stretched. I mean REALLY! Can I get some breathing room or a tic tac maybe?

Thankfully, the date was over as fast as it started. Then...he asked the question...where are you going out? damn damn damnnnn. Regardless of what I would say I am pretty sure he would find out later. So I told him.

Then as I left I entered him in my phone as:


We will see what happens...


Monday, March 2, 2009

Hut... hut... HIKE!

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

I joined a new site...

Yes, it is free. I'm cheap and with the men I'm meeting I'm not dishing out money for a date that turns into money. The great thing about this site is you need to actually pay to email people! Sooo I'm on for free letting the men do their thing. And they do!

So the first hour I get tons of messages from 40 year olds, recently divorced men, gangstas, and well some guy who could hardly speak English. It's cool...

I was just getting off when I got this message from a guy...who is he? We'll call him Mr. Semi-pro... What can I say about Mr. Semi-pro? He's 6 ft, perpetually calls me babe (which for some reason I don't mind), a college graduate, he's a gym and health NUT, and he is family orientated.... so why am I not jumping in my car and going to see him?

I need to wait... breathe... explore my options....

I'm afraid to meet anyone now that the marine is gone. crap. he told me not to wait.... SO WHY AM I WAITING!

We'll see.. exchange numbers...myspace...facebooks...


What I look for...

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

So what is it that I am even looking for? I go out with these ridiculous men and still 8 months later I am still single! I wouldn't give up any of this at all, oh no it is a learning experience... a way to weed out losers and throw back the bottom feeders. I've learned to read really read into them. Translate what these gentleman have to say about themselves...

"I've just come out of a five year relationship" -- I'm not ready to move on but to make her jealous... I will, even if it does break you

"I'm looking for someone where distance isn't a problem" -- I looking for someone to come to me in a drop of a dime.

"I think you're cute, hot, sexy, have nice eyes, great smile..." -- I can't wait to get you in bed

"I looking for hangout, friends, intimate encounter, dating, long term" -- I just wanna have sex

"I like the mets" -- I'm a tool

"The last girl I was seeing won't stop calling me" -- I never told her it was over I just stopped talking to her

self employed = unemployed
kids...prefer not to say = i have one or two...maybe
car? No = i lost my license

I'm not saying this is WHAT it means but come on what do you think... "hey after we get coffee and it goes well do you wanna come to my place and watch a movie?" psshhhh yeah... NO!

I can't even really read them; unfortunately, can be as tricky, as crazy and as determined as women. And sometimes...without warning the really slimy ones...slip through the cracks...


Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Last Call

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

This morning I got a call...

Well it wasn't today it was back in july...the marine called. He's back from base...but he's being deployed...

So there I am half asleep and he asks to see me.

I'm sleeping I can't...I'm so tired. When do you leave?

This is the part when I day dream about him having more than a month and he wants to spend it with me...


FML I work tomorrow...

That morning I am driving to work. I get a call from the marine. I'm at the airport I'll call you before I leave....


It's not like I was dating him. Sooo then why am I so upset...

I get a call just before 8...

I hear my name...the phone line goes dead

My marine is on his way back to the sandpit... It's all about emails now....

