Thursday, March 19, 2009

I have to ask you something...

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

In most circumstances no likes to hear... "We need to talk", "I have to ask/tell you something". In my experience it means, yeah I forgot to tell you I have another girlfriend or this is just going to be a friends with benefits thing. Anyway... This was nothing like it.

The monday after my first sneezy date with the surgical nurse he called me. Now...I must set this up a little better. For my friends who know there was not a minute when I wasn't talking to him, texting him, talking about him...and all but two days after the first date. I should have had an air mattress because friends...

I was falling HARD.

My mom says you'll know as soon as you meet someone and well I knew I wanted to talk to him morning noon and night.

That monday night when he said I have to ask you something...I wanted to throw up. Already? Here it comes another GREAT letdown to put in the books...

There is a wedding next weekend..will you be my date.

Mmm.... Yes! Of course! In a heartbeat.

Great! You'll meet my friends...their parents...

I had to secretly stop and breathe.

5 days till I get a whole weekend with the surgical nurse...I can't help but feel a little guilty about being sooo happy but not thinking about the Marine...

But then the weekend may be a complete disaster...

