Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A childhood relapse...

I love being one of the youngest employees at work. The insights of all the women here is so amazing and to see their struggles and how much they accomplished of themselves and with their children is mind blowing. Now some of them in their 40s and 50s refuse to do any dating and prefer to have one male friend (with benefits of course) and it made me think how did I become this twenty-something amazing women who is so set on finding the love of my life no matter how many frogs I have to make out with... cause seriously we all can read I just don't 'kiss'.

I remember...
standing on stage in preschool and announcing I was going to be a nurse... not exactly what I do today but pretty damn close.

standing on the 'wall' in 1st grade because this boy kissed me on the cheek on valentine's day and I hit him in the face and made him cry...

having my first 'boyfriend' in fifth grade after he used my Lisa Frank paper to ask me to the 5th grade dance...then breaking up at the dance only to start 'dating' his friend...

and another

and another...

dating a guy in 7th grade just to be able to date one of his friends... then finding out that the new guy re gifted a necklace he gave me.. so I cut it up at lunch and threw it at him

my first kiss and getting in trouble at 8th grade dances...

falling in 'love' for the first time in 9th grade with a guy some people would say takes a special person to stand...

Watching Before Sunrise, 16 Candles, Say Anything and When Harry Met Sally over and over again wishing every teenage boy was John Cusack

getting my heartbroken in cars...
having my trust broken in cars...

dating my best friend and never talking to him again...

going through crush after crush... hook up after hook up...

falling in love in college and finding out the guy I gave up everything too was cheating on me the whole time...

being in denial about falling for my best friend and putting a huge hole in the friendship...

which brings me up to today...
hoping, waiting... wishing the next time the phone rings...the text message sounds...the next email I receive I'll be done looking

so future husband if you are reading this... I am not dating for this blog I am dating to find you

I won't give up and I won't be in my 40s with a friend with benefits

