Saturday, March 21, 2009

A weekend wedding

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

The week went fast that crisp week in October (08) and I drove the two hours up north for the weekend wedding with the Surgical Nurse. He met me at a gas station off the highway...romantic I know! Nothing like the sweet smell of gas and old truckers. YUMMY! I followed him on twisted back mountain roads... I almost drove off the road twice to take in the scenery.

His house (well...okay his parents house) was a home I only dreamed about living in... made of brick and wood, set back on a long stone driveway back in the mountains. It overlooked a beautiful scenic view of the autumn colors on the mountain side.

I met his dad as I walked into the house. Funny enough our fathers work for the same company and know some of the same people. He was very accommodating and made me feel very welcome. Then the surgical nurse and I left for the wasn't anything extraordinary he took me out for dinner then we bought a movie to watch back at his house. We watched the movie til I almost fell asleep laying on his lap. He woke me up to take me to his room where his mom put new sheets on the bed for me...and like a gentleman kissed me. He slept down on the couch that night.

The next morning I woke up to a hot cup of coffee made for me by his dad and got ready to go to the wedding. The weather was perfect for a skies, a light breeze and a wonderful date. The surgical nurses friends got married on a golf course and the reception was on the premises as were all the not so lovely hotel rooms! owww owwwww

His friends were nothing like him standing 6ft tall with slim athletic builds all with girlfriends...except for one slightly dim-witted meat headed who seemed to hit on everything that moved. The wedding was something to remember... dancing, drinking, meeting all of the surgical nurses closest friends. The only thing that got a little annoying is that HE IS CONSTANTLY on his damn cellphone. Texting...checking the highlights from games... whatever else men do with cellphones, but I can't be too upset about it. This was just our second date...well third if you count the Friday... and Sunday was then the fourth. But, there wasn't anything I could pinpoint that I didn't like about him.

My favorite is when he kisses me.

