Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Optimist

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

The marine is back... as I had excitedly described in prior "real time" blogs so if you didn't read them you may want to check them out.

It is now almost the end of March...

He's not the same... and I knew that would be what would happen. They say they never come back the same when then return from over there... from Iraq. I really wanted to believe the marine would be the same man he was before he left... the man that gave me butterflies and made me feel beautiful even though he may not have even known it.

He is bitter. People suck. The world sucks. The guy who was happy and fun.

I told him things would get better. He just needs to adjust...but maybe I'm just an optimist.

Yeah.. and I'm a realist (so he said)

and that was that... I didn't message him back. What else was there to say? Maybe he just needs some time...

It probably wasn't meant to work out and it is probably better this way...

