Monday, March 30, 2009

I love college

A real time post for my avid nosey followers...

I went back on one of my older sites just to see if anyone new signed up...and yes, yes new people did...

He's twenty and and college student. But...his emails captivate me... They captivate me mostly because he is twenty and well...seems wise...worldly...mature for his age. Whether he is well versed in the pick-up or just a one in a million sincere guy...time will only tell.

Real emails from the past two days (personal identity information has been removed)

College boy:, i rented say anything the other day only because it had john cusack in it...haha i am so gay...:-P throw in an 80's movie any night of the week....haha

Me: Hey! I loveee that movie!

College boy: lol all good...if i could sustain myself, i would never leave school...i love to read books and learn...people often times refer to me as a nerd, but hey, we have but one life to live, and so, why not understand things about and i like that you remain a intriguing...i am going to unlock your mysteries, (my name here) your worst to stop me haha :-)

Me: My mysteries? Haha you must like a challenge (his name) ;)

College boy: lol, of course...warm up to me, and i open like an pearl is nothing glamorous, but i promise i will not lie to you, or ever try to manipulate you...i recently exposed myself to quite a few things that have launched me into maturing quite rapidly...and idk, but i feel like i am missing someone to share it all with...lets be friends :-) and yes, your mysteries will be quite a challenge, but hey, it's not the climb up the mountain, but the amazing view that people remember the my view, and let your mysteries be the mountain...

I can't make this up...I didn't respond yet. I wanna sound witty and interested...and smart. He's so much younger than me...but thinking of the next thing to say makes me...


