Thursday, June 9, 2011


Well my friends... it's June 9, 2011.

I'm single, back home with my parents, broken hearted and listening to Adele.

The past year and a half was a bumpy ride with a man I learned to love through his good and bad. I would never change any of it... I learned to love, work through the bad and I grew into, I think, a wiser person.

I wish he could see how much I put into us... but that doesn't matter now that he found someone new. That tends to happen with me.

I fall in love then fall on my face.

There won't be anyone else like him tho loud mouthed and crazy and bad for me. I'd give anything to have him back but instead I break down a lone in tears. A year and a half doesn't seem long but it took a lot out of me and now I need to learn to move on and try to let him go...

Here I go again... wish me luck...

