Monday, February 16, 2009

Sempri Fi! What a guy!

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes, and my future husband,

Mid January of 08 after giving the clinger the cold shoulder I got up the nerve to email a guy you can say I was virtually stalking...not at all in a crazy way (crazy i.e. Mr. Level 10 clinger) I just would check out his new pictures and updated profile. He was intriguing to me...

What was so intriguing?? Well he was a marine, self proclaimed pirate, loves cooking, cook outs, and he was wearing an eagles jersey.

So after a few days of waiting and thinking will he like me? Is he crazy? And more importantly... WILL HE LIKE ME?! I emailed him. Who would have thought that first email to someone you never met or talk to would make your palms sweat and heart race. I am getting flustered just thinking and TYPING about it! phew...okay where was I... I emailed the Marine and I (trying probably wayyy to hard for him to think I was interesting) put the subject line as arrrggghhhh
yeah I did that.... I wrote something witty about him being a pirate and if he found any buried treasure lately then I signed it just with my first initial. And I prayed that he would see it, respond, and everything would be amazing.

sooo I waited...

and waited....
and waited....

Then when I least expected it I received an email. He first made it a point to tell me that pirates say yarrrr and he hasn't found any treasure but he thinks he is getting close. He went on to talk about how he lived 45 minutes away but came to the Lehigh Valley one weekend a month and he would be in my area that coming weekend. Now of course I thought back to my rules... I emailed him so that was selective ::check::, I could meet him that weekend ::check::, he admitted to being crazy but who isn't?! he said, and any man who could pull off that uniform I would call a manly man! ::check:: I emailed him again and told him I would love to meet up and gave him my number.

The week couldn't go fast enough and as soon as friday hit I was showered and ready to meet this mystery pirate man. I went out with some of my girl friends first to a local martini bar...checking my cell phone every five minutes to see where he was with the rest of the marines that evening....The evening passed and he text to let me know the guys where all going back to their hotel and I was more than welcome to come along...after the thoughts racing through my mind of what could happen that night I thought it best to not take the offer and go home. I don't regret it at all because the next night was more than I could have imagined.

We met at a hole in the wall bar. I am talking cheap drinks, townies, and the remodeling of bathrooms the kind of bar with the only bathroom left was indoor for the ladies and they had a nice little port-o'-john outside for the men. I waited patiently with my girlfriend trying not to drink too much before he got there then he walked in... 5'10" a gorgeous man in a black dress shirt and dark blue jeans. His sleeves just rolled up slightly to see his tattoos. We hugged, he kissed my forehead and I was sold. He introduced me to his friend marine 2 (equally as attractive)...they told me about their time in Iraq and how they were separated only to find each other in some city. I couldn't take my eyes off him...he held my hand and made me laugh. Not like a ugly double chin laugh but a I can't believe I am sitting here with unbelievable man! He went to the bathroom and I was able to talk to marine 2...He told me he never saw his friend like this before and it would have to take a strong-hearted woman to help him with all the heartache he has gone through in the past few years. I received a text as he was in line and it just said...

hi. don't fall for my friend while I am gone.

The rest of the night we held hands, kissed, and laughed before I went back with him to his hotel room and we laid in bed and talked...and well I will keep this g-rated but we did sleep together. The next morning I watched him change into his little uniform, he kissed my forehead and said we would be seeing each other soon.

I believed him. I wanted to...

I just wanted a fairytale ending to meeting him...and there would be...maybe not this first weekend but another...

Stay tuned! Dates with the Marine did NOT stop here....neither did any of my other manventures!


Level 10 Clinger

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband...

Now to really understand where I am coming from with all this dating site garbage I need to start from my number one...who and what started it all... My first 'manventure'.

My profile is simple it doesn't reveal too much but it definitely initiates lots of conversation aka emails. At first I set rules...
1) I don't give out my name or number
2) I don't go out with anyone until I am completely ready...
well that didn't last long! But I did add if a guy asks for naked pics he's a loser and if he emails you in some strange text language he is well.... example:

"Hey! How r u? I saw ya on da site n I thnk ur a qt! If I could get 2 know u that would b gr8t! Here is 1 of my pix. Let me now what u thnk"

Translation: LOSER!

All I want is an educated, attractive, emotionally stable and fun guy! Is that too much to ask for??!!

The first guy I ever met up with was a 28 year old sports announcer for ESPN radio and a golf coach. It was mid December when college basketball just started getting exciting and we both shared a common interest in college ball. We had been emailing for two weeks, then it went to im-ing and finally the exchange of numbers and the texts began. Now I am not complaining about the texts at all!! I happen to like texting but he loved it and to show his dedication in our newly formed VIRTUAL friendship he got unlimited texting...for me...which he reminded me frequently. Soon the texts a few times a day turned into all day even if I didn't respond and as soon as I got on my im he was the first to see what I was doing. His profile on the site changed to currently not looking...then it hit me....there is a reason everyone is on dating site, his reason...
I thought maybe if I ignore him he'll go away...I'll lose my phone, change my number, be diagnosed with a incurable very contagious such luck. Okay so he's into me. This wasn't a game...he took dating sites seriously... very seriously. A week or two after the new year I came home from a job interview and there was a message just for me.

"Coffee, 1pm @ barnes and noble. See ya there- Clinger"

Perfect! I could stand him up and then it would be over! Yeah...I could but unfortunately I am way too nice. So I went...and there he was... thin and maybe 5'3" on a good day with a face only a mother could love (damn people using pictures that probably only look like them after I had 5 or 6 gin and tonics). I thought...I can run or maybe introduce myself to the cute guy by the such luck. Mr. "I memorized every picture you have on your site" was already walking over to me. After a pretty much forced conversation, a tall cafe mocha and a free bag of dove chocolates we went our separate ways.

A few days later I received an ecard from him to randomly have a good day...that's nice but then he started calling before bed....just to say goodnight. Then he wanted my address...sorry I don't give that out. Oh! But what did he want it for?? You know the, gifts, to climb up the drain pipe and watch me sleep. Not creepy at all! A day or two after that he changed his facebook status to complicated...because of me.

I stop answering his calls, emails and ims and soon mr. Level 10 clinger faded... I still get angry messages once in awhile cause I am a heart breaker...but I'd rather be that than crazy!

Lesson learned... I decided to:
1) Be more selective
2) Get the date over with sooner
3) Try to somehow test their level of clinginess
4) Find manlier men

I must say if I would have known my dates would be so...interesting I would have started this Blog a long time ago! Thank god I kept a journal!

Stay tuned! I have lots to catch you up on

