Wednesday, June 10, 2009

when did aim become a daytime booty call?!

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

I get home from work... and once again exhausted. Not in the mood for male contact what so ever... all I want to do is start going to the gym again to feel better about myself...

and this is what i get

greytshirtguy (3:28:48 PM):wannnnnnna get naked?
**ME** (3:29:30 PM):i have a date with the gym
greytshirtguy (3:33:28 PM)::( you never want to play whatever
**ME** (3:33:43 PM):i gotta work on my fitnesss

Answered plain and simple because this is a brilliant blog entry. It is bad enough when a half witted, face only a mother could love manboy at the bar says this to you at 2am when you are the DD... BUT now we have to go through it at 3:30 in the afternoon?!

this guy screams LOSER... and he is probably a Mets fan (just saying).

Rule 2:
IM History is AWESOME

Believe me... I almost wish I released the identities of some of these quality gentleman. But apparently I am too nice for that.

