Thursday, April 23, 2015


**September 20, 2014**

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

First date with the engineer went... well it went... I was infatuated with his intelligence, drive and the fact that he wasn't too overly New York.  

As fast as the text messaging exchange started it stop. Maybe because I wouldn't sleep with him. Maybe because he talked about his ex during our date. Maybe because it wasn't even a FUCKING DATE.

RANT! I drove almost two hours to a place in New York I have never been and figured I would never see again. There was no dinner. There was no drinks. I sat in a living room while he awkwardly tried to make out with me the entire night. Also he totally smelled like garlic and reminded me of a guy I work with... it just didn't add up to success.

My #marriedbymonday fantasy didn't add up. And that is why I was on hiatus since September. Falling in love and falling in lust. Two different things. I'm over the lust and ready for love... unfortunately there are far too many frogs for me to kiss. 

      Pucker Up! 


