Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Trying to Find Love... While still living at home

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

"You're going to be 30 and you still live at home"

Face it. The majority of us out there are trying to overcome this statement, whether it be personally or towards your intended "other". So what is the young 30-somethings views on this? Until recently I was rocking the living at home with mommy and daddy vibe... until I realized, I live at home AND I am going to be 30. 

Most people will ask this question. It was easy and well my parents are pretty cool. College/University, face it, it is not going to get any cheaper and the longer to stay or the farther you advance those loans add up. Unless, you are the lucky few who never had to take out loans in the first place. It is a unpleasant task of seeing hard earned money go back into the hands of these student loan companies ::cough cough Sallie Mae:: but to move on with our lives we need to pay them off... and smile as we do it.  I had to ask myself this: Why am I still living at home when just like some amazing friends I have with loans of their own are out decorating their apartments and making dinners for their own man-ventures/boyfriends/husbands! 

How did a 30-something get this far in the dating world with some serious man-ventures. Easy, I dated men who lived alone. The exception to this rule was the blue-eyed devil and well 4 years later, he has his own place, you see where that has gotten me... 

But again, Why?!
As I said, I love my parents but they can be worse then roommates and yes, even that stinky weird college roommate we all had. Currently, it is the dictating of my life. Where am I going? Who with? When will I be home? How much money are you saving? WE can do your finances...  And the blow of all blows... IF you are going out with Blue-Eyed Devil, you are out! OUT! Actually the quote was "I FORBID YOU to see him". So, my lovely readers I was at a crossroads... I actually drove to Blue-Eyed Devils apartment in tears and told him with a heavy heart I could not see him anymore. Cried for another hour as he tried to calm me down then cried all the way home... great right?


It began to set in that it didn't matter
1) If they didn't want me to see him, if I wanted to I would. Again, going to be 30. 
2) I will never get anywhere if I hear constantly bad things about ANY guy I go out with 
3) Hey, silly grown girl-child, time to stop bitching and complaining. Get your shit together and move on with your life. There are people living on less. 

Dating and living at home can be done, but we all need to find our own happiness. Not be happy because others are telling us how to feel. 

Followers-- Each and every one of us is on a different journey and we can't expect everyone to understand our own. The Mother of two to understand the 36-year old single and rocking it, or the forever married friend to understand the girl who just cant seem to find the right guy even though she has met all their friends, or the new divorcee to understand the fresh crazy love relationship of another. The wonderful AMAZING friends who have your back but offer solid words of advice even though you keep running back to the retard who can't seem to realize how good he has it (thanks girls--xo hot mess express).

I am giving myself a year to get my shit together. My journey has just begun. 

How will you start yours?


