Saturday, April 18, 2009

A long wait

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

I found my self only days after I stopped talking to the Surgical Nurse, talking again to the semi-pro. I guess it would have happened eventually since I heard from him time and again during my wasted four months of the nurse. He was like my guilty pleasure, like chocolate is for my soul, the semi-pro was to my ego. Always telling me how good I looked, how amazing he thought I was, or how perfect we could be.

I feel for it... once a month

He just drove me absolutely crazy!

I wanna see you...come down...i want to see you...
Well, if you want to see me that bad then drive your butt down here. I refuse to take unnecessary trips for someone who may or may not be worth it.

Of course...the big bad semi pro has to go and get sick. So me being entirely too kind goes up to see him and make sure he is alright. Why? His parents live almost 6 hours away and the big bad man is a a mama's boy. We went out for dinner at a little Mexican restaurant and drank some very yummilicous Margaritas. Ola! Watched some movies and "layed around" the rest of the evening.

In other words... bow chicka wah wahhhh ;)
He fell asleeo and I left his place and made it home around 3am I found that the trip with definitely worth the long wasted four months. The Semi-pro is a much better guy than I thought he would be...

I have two other dates lined up for the upcoming week or two so I am not taking anything too seriously.

One date at a time...

