Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Last Call

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

This morning I got a call...

Well it wasn't today it was back in july...the marine called. He's back from base...but he's being deployed...

So there I am half asleep and he asks to see me.

I'm sleeping I can't...I'm so tired. When do you leave?

This is the part when I day dream about him having more than a month and he wants to spend it with me...


FML I work tomorrow...

That morning I am driving to work. I get a call from the marine. I'm at the airport I'll call you before I leave....


It's not like I was dating him. Sooo then why am I so upset...

I get a call just before 8...

I hear my name...the phone line goes dead

My marine is on his way back to the sandpit... It's all about emails now....

