Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spring Hiatus

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future ex's and my future husband,

Another hiatus.

I am really starting to get good at these. But... more recently it hasn't been lack of man-ventures but more not knowing how to tell you all about them.

Or him.

I guess you can say since January I have been stuck between a rock and a hard place. Meeting someone who basically changed how I look at life...  Of course it has cost me the friendship of a few certain people. I suppose when someone says do what makes you happy... I know you will make the right choice. It really means... do what I want you to do and if not you will not have my support or understanding.

Since January 2010... I have been every extreme... exrtremely happy, sad, confused, depressed and in love. Others may tell you I have been reckless and out of my mind.

If that is true then I want to embrace being reckless and out of my mind... I have never had more fun and been more happy then I have been these past four months.

I need to get back to work... but I have many updates good and bad to post.

looking forward to catching you all up! At least I hope someone is still reading this... someone? Anyone?
