Sunday, August 23, 2009


Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

End of March... it is getting cold and rainy... and I have recently gone on hiatus from any of the dating sites I was on. I'm sick of the same old guys trying to pretend they are worth getting to know, worth pursuing and worth pretending they are anything better than being just another mediocre man with nothing to show for himself but the ambition to become a rockstar... it's not going to happen.

So I sit in my familiar place at Starbucks. Drinking my caramel macchiato and sitting uncomfortably in my work clothes from that day. I know I should have changed before coming but I just didn't have the drive to go home listen to the family bitch about life... I needed time to myself to sit, drink my coffee and reflect on my life. Bettering my career by taking a course to be a certified director. Of what? You may ask. Well that is for me to know and you to well... not know. Keeping the top secret identity that is me :)

I was minding my own business... doing my work and people watching as they walk through the door... the business type... in their stilettos, button up shirts, ID tags, and jawbones. Looking half awake trying to find the right concoction to make it through another day. Quad grande cafe mocha skim with whip... java chip frap... skinny vanilla latta one splenda... lap tops are out and faces seem to have a blank expression as if to say they can't wait for the weekend... if they will even get a weekend. I pretend to be one of them... that I am so engulfed in my work at I don't notice Mr. Mid life crisis walk through the door...

oh wait... I noticed.. but only because I felt like eyes were burning through my skull.

I caught his eye and smiled. He could have been in his 30s... if I was being nice of course or possibly early 40s. He probably has kids close to my age. He looked over worked but like he was paid well for what he did. He bought a coffee and a muffin... and then looked over again. I blushed not really knowing what else to do.

I thought to myself maybe I will come into Starbucks more often.

He walked over and asked if anyone was sitting at a table close to me. I replied no and he sat down... I gathered my composure. He wasn't my dream man nor was he someone I would be thinking of going on a date with but his pure interest was intriguing to me. Mr. Starbucks asked me to watch his stuff as he ran out to his car... of course I did.. well out of the corner of my eye while forming a small smile and blushing slightly again. I think it was the pure fact that he was showing interest in me... a starbucks wedding crossed my mind... a bouquet of caramel macchiato's. Just kidding.

He was getting up to leave once again when he said...

"Excuse me... I don't do this but I would like to give you my card. I have to head to a meeting but if you would like to call me sometime you can."

I took his card, smiled and said maybe I would.

I kept the card... I never called but I kept the card. It gave the motivation I needed. I'll get back into my swing of manventures but I need to be picker... I need to be sincere... I need to find someone that will make me smile.

