Sunday, March 15, 2009

The start of something...

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

September started rolling did emails and my potential men. I unfortunately let my ex in briefly. Always a mistake...he is an EX for a reason! What was I thinking..oh yea...I'm head over heels for him even though when I look at him I wanna claw his eyes out.

I worked an extra job for some family friends. Anddd I got an email from the surgical nurse! We exchanged cell numbers and text until my cell died

He's so much different from the other guys. He's kind, honest, has goals and dreams...he doesn't bug me like crazy to meet him or send pictures. He's soo down to earth and has a great relationship with family and friends.

My cellphone charges back up after a long day and night working. I decide to give this mystery man a call see what his conversing skills are like...well they were pretty good. We talked for two hours that night. He wants to come down to meet me. Maybe next weekend :)

Keep ya updated!
