Friday, February 28, 2014

Where are they now?

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

Similar to a VH1 special of ex TV and movie stars who have seemed to just disappear I began to wonder the same about my ex-manventures and conquests. It has been 6 years since I have been battling the single life and on-line dating...

Here I am..
29 years old and in an on-again off-again relationship with of 4 years with a man that is afraid of commitment, but not afraid of seeing if there is anything better out there. I can't explain anymore why I put myself through it, but as I sit around while he is in Florida I began to wonder what happened to all those other guys... the ones that got away.

Here is an update on those who I could locate. (Thank you facebook for the updates)

 Level 10 clinger: My very first manventure has been happily in a relationship since 2012. No ring on it though!

The Marine: Currently a bartender and possibly still single. But I think that ship has sailed.

The Financial Analyst: This one actually went on a date with a girl I was once friends with... it didn't work out. He is still working the dating site world.

The teacher: ohhhh the teacher... I saw him a few times with things were not working out with the blue-eyed devil. But not more then 2 months ago he took himself off the market and off my facebook friend list. Engaged to the girl he met after me. Oh well.

Grey T-shirt Guy: I honestly wish I had my head on straight for this winner -- said no girl ever -- this loser runs in and around my newly open circle of friends. He is engaged (poor girl) and still as sleazy as ever. Not a loss here!

Mr. Dimples: Him and his creepy cat "Cookie" as still single. The last I heard from him was this New Years Eve. No thanks! BYE!

Cougar (my little cub RAWR): Is now a baby daddy and engaged! DUMB... so much for a back-up plan.

And the others? I have no idea what happened to them; however, they were all good men. If they weren't they would have never ended up on even one date with me.

Now I have a choice. Get back on the dating site train and say good-bye to the blue-eyed devil or I truck on... stick it out... be patient

I may never really be able to give up on him.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Love notes to my future hubby

We see them everyday. Relationship love notes... on Facebook, shown by our coworkers or when we stop over our married/seriously dating friends places.  There are some that just make you want to punch your friend square in the face. No offense to my beautiful friends... but seriously us single gals can only take so much of these cute little nothings.

Here is a compilation of Love Notes that my future boyfriend/hubby will find when he wakes up to go to work, tucked into his work pants or in his awesomely packed lunch.

Dear Future Husband,

You are a crazy hot sex machine that makes my legs shake and my hips hurt, but I know you are probably amazing in other ways too. But seriously, let's do it when you get home.


Dear Future Husband,

I deleted all of my dating site accounts... except for the ones that suggest we may or may not want a threesome. Just saying.


Dear Future Husband,

Please Brush your teeth before morning sex. Oh and while you are up if you could get me water that would be great.


Dear Future Husband,

I need personal space so if you could just go out with the guys once in awhile that would be fantastic.


Dear Future Husband,

Here's your free pass. Use it wisely. Love the shit out of you.


Dear Future Husband,

Don't forget the vodka.


Dear Future Husband,

I love you. I love bacon, but I definitely love you more.

