Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hmm maybe there is a good reason he is...semi-pro

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

The semi-pro text me while I was at a minor league baseball game with my cousin in late august 08... He wants me to come see him...he bought me a gift of some sort. He can be a little pushy, demending, but he is very veerrryyy focused on me.

Well...so I think at least.

It is always babe...baby...hun with him. I know they can be terms of endearment, but from my experience it's a clever way of not saying the wrong name. Yeah well...

He's moving for his job and will be about an hour from me. Which would not be a big deal if he didn't ask me to come visit on weekdays...we need a compromise and I have yet to get that with him.
I really need to think things through with this guy.

In other news!!! Early september I started emailing this new guy. He's 25, a surgical nurse, played Lax in college and is just really down to earth. He lives about two hours away so I don't know...I won't get his name tattood on me any time soon!

