Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband, 

This Christmas amazing things have been happening. Rekindling the magic of an old love for one... something that may or may not be a good thing. The one thing I know I must do is follow my heart and that is something  not all of you may agree with. 

I have put off trying any online dating sites during the holidays because of the following:
  1. Guys are lonely and desperate 
  2. My heart isn't in it
What is the same old shit
The same guys that have contacted me in the past. 
        Just because you have a beard now does not mean I want to ride it. 
Do you have any other pictures?
        I have 10 that are frequently updated. I refuse to send you titty shots so please. Stop. Do us all a favor and stop. 
Have I seen you around before? 
        Uh... maybe? But if you are so interested in me behind a computer screen I highly doubt you will be that interesting in person. Grow balls, be a man and introduce yourself.

Does it get any easier? Am I doomed to be the single friend forever? It comes so fucking easy for everyone else. 

I miss my blue-eyed devil. The fights, the making up... making out, his smile, his intellect, how he challenges me. But round 5 with the same guy? Not sure I have much more patience left. And I know it is wrong, but it feels so right!

Dear Santa,
I want him for Christmas.



