Friday, January 22, 2010


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Happy Dating!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tall, dark and handsome

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future ex's and my future husband, 
(This blog was in draft and has been back-dated and FINALLY published! xo **ME**)

My palms are sweating. Shaking and sweating. 

It's 11pm, cold and I sat in my car staring at my cellphone. Earlier that day and week I began messaging with a new manventure. Have I ever told you how much I love that word?! Because that is all they are anymore... an adventure without the promise of a future. Tonight, I am actually excited for one of my manventures. He wanted me to meet him at a local dive bar, the type of bar I would usually never gone to unless I was completely trashed. 

Let me set up my outfit for you... I should have taken pictures! So I am in brown tights, maroon colored dress, cream cardigan and uggs... walking into a bar that girls dressed like me usually would not normally be seen.

Blue-eyed Devil: Jeans and a blue football jersey... with the bluest eyes, dark brown hair and a smile that made me melt as soon as I sat down. 

He had a gin and tonic (my choice of poison) waiting for me and as we talked I played with the straw and stirred it nervously. The last time I felt this way? Probably the Marine... but he was long gone and my feelings for him had since faded. But soon enough the nerves stopped and we made up stories about the characters at the bar; a strange man who looked like a train conductor and his side-kick that may or may not be named Tonto and a young couple seated at the bar who said far too many "I love you's". The drinks flowed and I didn't want to leave... 

What did I do?! The tell all of infamous dates... we arm-wrestled. Seriously, at our little corner bar table we arm-wrestled. Of course, I mostly did it to touch him and it was electric. That touch that in the back of your mind you wake-up and think... SO THIS IS WHAT IT SHOULD FEEL LIKE!

The results? I won, so like anyone who would win arm wrestling after two okay three gin and tonics I went home with him. 

The sex was amazing and I want to see him again. We already have a second date lined up. 

I'm excited and totally in like with this blue-eyed devil. 


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I can't sleep

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future ex's and my future husband,

When I started this... almost a year ago I thought maybe it would help me to read men better or help other people read them better. But really... men are like those perfect pair of stiletto heels you have been looking for everywhere. They are perfect on the outside size 7.5 red patent leather, pointed toed and adding 4 1/2 inches to your height. But when you put them on the size you normally wear hurts your feet, the heel breaks, and the red wears off not to mention you spent a fortune on them.

What does this mean to me? Well... like shoes you want your man to look perfect in your eyes but also fit into your life. And I am not talking penis size (although that does matter... don't deny it) but even on your worst days when your bloated, feeling a wreck and that noticeable huge zit appears he still finds you to be the most amazing girl in the room.

If your shoe doesn't make you feel amazing don't wear it... if a man doesn't make you feel like a princess don't bring him home. We all deserve the best and deserved to be treated like the best, cared for... adored... and loved. Then why force ourselves to believe a relationship that looks perfect but doesn't feel perfect needs to be reworked and fitted. Like those awesome $80 stilettos, you can't force your foot to grow and you can only fix the heel so many times before it is unfix-able. So why try? Why commit to a pair of shoes that won't commit to you.

For 2 years now the guy who makes me a cougar has been in my life. Two years! And some of my girlfriends say it is the perfect setup two years of non committed great sex with a crazy good looking younger guy. But for me it is about time to figure out if this is ever going to work. It has been amazing non committed sex and he's awesome but I need to think about myself now and what is working for me.

Hopefully sooner than later.

