Monday, August 10, 2009

He shoots... He misses

(March 5, 2009)

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

There comes a time...even when you think you find the perfect person when you step back and see everything they do that just doesn't fit the mold of "perfect". The Semi-pro was just that... the weather was still awful and his traveling wasn't getting any closer to coming to an end and we were not getting any closing to defining what "we" were becoming. Then out of the complete blue I get a call from him...

"I've been thinking about us and we should probably start dating"

My reply...
"We've hung out... what? once? I don't think that is grounds for a relationship and besides maybe you should make the effort to see me once in a while..."

his response...
"come up and see me tomorrow I will make dinner"

My response
"I'd love too"

Who am I?! Or in past tense who was I?! That naive to his game that I forgot were my head was...

I went... ate, drank, and as we were laying in bed the worst comment (if it even is a comment) I would ever want to hear...
I wish you were my girlfriend every night
Then I remembered the game and how much the game sucks. I was never to be anyone's night time girlfriend booty call (unless of course that was what we mutually decided on. Hey a girl has got to have game too...more on this later)

I left in tears... not because we weren't going to date but because I felt like I wasted yet another day on a guy who wasn't worth it. Friends save your "I told you so's" because yes... yes you did.

When I got home I deleted him from my cell, my buddylist, my facebook and myspace... yes my entire virtual world. This is the last time you will hear about me being with the semi-pro.

But honestly I am a hands on learner... so I will keep on learning :)

