Friday, May 2, 2014

Dating Yourself

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

Recently, I have found it increasing harder to find quality men for potential manventures on my dating sites. I fear... they have caught on, found my blog and are probably writing one themselves. Most likely they have named it things like -- Douche from Doucheville or The Incredible Shrinking Penis. Or quite possibly I have set my bar WAY to high, to an unachievable level of man that doesn't exist! But then it also struck me... I am not completely happy with where I am in my life so how can I be happy with someone else's mess introduced into mine. 

This is my Hot Mess Express and no, sir, you are not welcome to ride this ride. 

Happiness in the single life vs in the dating life. The key? Don't lose yourself!

It is so easy to be swept up by your new love, significant other, new and old friends, potential in-laws that you forget the most important person. YOU! Whether the case is you are single, dating or married; we all must remember to date ourselves, even if it is once a week. 

I will not lie, I definitely fell of the wagon and lost myself. For the entire winter it seems I stopped doing things I enjoy for the benefit of others happiness. Even the smallest of things like this blog--which I started up again in fuller swing around the new year, to an even bigger thing like the gym... my waist seriously hurts when I say that! 

So what am I doing about this? 
Here are two major things I am doing to "date" me again:

**ME** "dating" the Gym

I am going to back to what made me happy. My awesome pink swarovski bassbuds (purchased on groupon! OBSESSED), bright neon tanks, black yoga pants, 45 mins on the elliptical, 10lb kettlebells and my three very favorite 30 day challenges (Seen Below)! Plus my bonus chocolate mint protein shake after my workouts, yum! I loved using my gym as an outlet for my life stresses. Besides getting hit on by the sweaty old guy with a midlife crisis or the lesbian by the weights is always a perk... or just motivation to not stop!

**ME** Dating my Intelligence

I love my job, don't get me wrong but there are bigger and better things out there for me. So looking into advancing my degree! Fingers crossed!

Reading! I used to go to Starbucks or Panera every Wednesday after work, have a coffee and read for at least 45 minutes. It brought my stress level down and helped the creative juices to flow. So even if it isn't at a coffee shop I need to find time to shut out the world, silent my cellphone and read. PS any reading suggestions are greatly appreciated

Well, I am now going to have a **ME** date with my pillow -- I will leave you with my burning question to you, my fabulous readers.

How do you "Me" Date?

