Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Here's to a New Year!

Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future exes and my future husband,

I wish to you all a healthy, happy and beautiful New Year! Let the year guide you in the direction to be the best you with no regrets. 

I do not believe in resolutions... I usually forgot them or are too lazy. Has anyone out there actually truly stuck to what they wanted anyway? And why are so many resolutions so ridiculous?
 I want to find my one true love! (no, no you won't... at least not until you stop being a whore)
Drink less alcohol (because you probably are still hungover from your binge drinking the night before)
I will lose weight (wait... wasn't that your resolution last year?)
Bungee jump (you may want to try getting off the couch first)

Now... What will I do about this whole dating thing? Don't worry I am going to keep the blog going and will be as candid as possible. I am going to do what I want of course... I will no longer let anyone dictate who I should be or who I should be with. I will not be afraid to follow my heart. I will not be stepped on. 

2014 will be adventure and I am ready to begin it.


