Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Try…try again

November 5, 2010
Hi again avid followers, newcomers, future ex's and my future husband, 

I've been MIA for awhile… I am aware. I wish I could tell you all I am madly in love and ready to settle down and begin a new chapter of my life, but that would be a lie. The truth is… I have been caught in "love"… or is it lust. Regardless, once again my heart is in the hands of the less deserving and I have let great opportunities slip out of my hands.

Last night a gorgeous and I mean GORGEOUS guy was at the bar. My type? You are about to find out. He was tall but not ow my neck hurts tall but perfectly tall for me (of course to wear heels or flats). He had amazing eyes, brown hair and was wearing a flannel. Oh and he has these sideburns… OH GAWDDDD the sideburns! The man had SEX written all over him. 

Now I am out of practice with this… and by out of practice I mean caught in the clutches of a man who will never love me back (this will all be explained) for the last almost 11 months. Ugh… that just sounds depressing! So back to the bar guy… who I will call John Cusack Jr (YUM)… he appeared to be alone. But, not alone in a sad drowning his sorrows in alcohol kind of way; he was just enjoying the atmosphere. It was almost like he may be new in town. So with a little liquid courage and a push from my best friend I had the bartender buy him his next beer (on me). He smiled a killer smile and I figured I would wait it out a little… see what became of the night. With some more coaxing from my girlfriends I just about mustered up the courage to talk to him when the bartender came over and asked me what I wanted to drink cause my mystery man was buying one for me!  I saw a short time after he was heading to the bathroom and I figured I would be able to run to the bathroom and make it back in time to finally get to talk to John Cusack Jr. But… when I returned I noticed nothing but a half full beer and mystery man was nowhere in sight. 

This was just one of the many chances I had in the past 11 months to find someone who may be just as interested in me, as I was in him. 

Alas, here I am, sitting across from a man who will never really care or love me as much as I do him. And yet, I am content; to some extent at least. 

You can paint your own picture or you can wait for my next blog



